Monday, December 2, 2013

 I found those two videos and thought i should share them as they are the only ones in a long time that actually made me think. I love them because they both changed my view on things quite a bit

1: this is one about what to do after school/ collage.

2. this one is about the decisions and happines... and water.

the first one tells you to live your life like you want to and the second one how to deal with it if you don't.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

This is just a clip of a whole artical,which was brodcasted on discovery channel. I watched the broadcasting but thats all i could find on the internet. If you think it's interesting you can try and find the whole thing...

It's about a human bred rat brain used to fly a jet in a computer programm, using the animal instinct instead of complicated programms to keep the jet stady. The whole broadcast explained how that worked.

here is my slideshow with the video and my questions included

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 video for Tok is up!! It's a bit short because those stickfigure-animations take forever to make. The quote is : "science is a long history of trying not to fool yourself"-Richard Feynman